About Us

Founded in March 2023, WAVES is an organization of volunteers that are dedicated to fostering snowsports opportunities at Idaho resorts. We empower and enrich the lives of veterans through sharing the exhilaration of snowsports. Our organization provides adaptive equipment, ski & snowboard instruction, and therapeutic experiences for those who have sacrificed so much.

Our Staff

WAVES is an all-volunteer team of adaptive snowsports instructors. Our instructors are certified by, and teach to the industry standards of:

PSIA-AASI - The Professional Ski Instructors of America & American Association of Snowboard Instructors www.thesnowpros.org

WAVES staff is experienced with teaching to cognitive difficulties and physical limitations from prosthetic limbs, visual impairments, PTSD and challenges across the spectrum. Our instructors are proficient using adaptive equipment in lessons ranging from, sit-skis, mono-skis, tethers & hand held out-riggers. WAVES instructors are committed to giving instruction to our veterans, sharing the experiences and the meaning that snowsports have to offer.

Our Priorities

Program Safety

  • WAVES primary mission is for confident safe operations

  • All decisions made must factor in the safety of our participants. Participants consist of veterans, instructors and our leadership

  • Safety is observed through industry standards set forth by PSIA-AASI for adaptive snowsports instruction

  • Our leaderships has 70 plus years of experience in adaptive snowsports instruction and program management dedicated to WAVES mission

    Participant Experience

  • We strive to provide quality lessons to those in need and be prepared to answer the call of whatever our vets will need to thrive at snowsports

  • Making sure our instructor and veteran pairings are matches with the skills needed in the lesson environment

  • Our instructor experience is a meaningful endeavor for them to give their time and impart their skill to the veteran community. WAVES instructors are top notch people from around our division with a passion for snowsports

  • We want the experience of instructing with WAVES to be welcomed & provide mutual benefit for instructors and veterans alike

    Mountain Relations

  • WAVES operates as a guest organization, offering opportunities for veterans to receive adaptive lessons facilitated at their resort

  • Resorts receive a unique opportunity to give to those whom have served our nation

  • Making sure that WAVES presence benefits their operation in a positive manner, and our events are something they can be proud to have hosted is our goal

Our Vision

To provide adaptive lessons across Idaho that change veterans lives

“On top of the mountain is where everything makes sense.” — Unknown